Keep the fire Burning Part 4: In front of an audience with the Mountain View Festival!

We start complaining about our insistent cat, and how she’s determined to have her own opinions shared during our interview with the Mountain View Festival Artistic Director, and her dog very quickly decides to voice his own remonstrations for the recording as well. … Continue Reading >Keep the fire Burning Part 4: In front of an audience with the Mountain View Festival!

Happily Hectic: Vincent is Composing His Brains Out!

Vincent Ho is an Ottawa-born classical composer who currently teaches at the University of Calgary and, incidentally, has works being performed and premiered ALL OVER the place, in a happy demonstration of how it’s Good to be Busy. While having lunch at The Palomino, at the heart of Calgary’s downtown, MUSICAlive! congratulated him on this achievement. … Continue Reading >Happily Hectic: Vincent is Composing His Brains Out!

Drummers and Cellists and Beethoven, Oh My: Asian Heritage and the CPO

“. . . a non-profit, non-governmental organization with concerns encompassing the cultures, traditions, public affairs, arts and sciences of all regions of Asia, especially South Asia, (and aiming) to support projects that reconcile the frictions between people, technology and nature, between the old and new, the East and West that are manifest in cultural products and services.” … Continue Reading >Drummers and Cellists and Beethoven, Oh My: Asian Heritage and the CPO