Eating about music: Exploring the musical life over lunch!

we talked to a lot of people about music. It’s our great joy in life, and hopefully yours as well! We mean a lot of people: it’s Musicians or it’s producers or it’s venue operators, artistic directors, roadies, caterers, even though small animals that we reference on our main page. (hey: I’m blind, I didn’t know!!) … Continue Reading >Eating about music: Exploring the musical life over lunch!

500 and Counting: The adventures of Damon and his ProArts Society

Well, now we know why Damon Johnston of the ProArts Society resonates so much with the work MUSICAlive! does: he’s been involved in many of the projects that have helped form the Calgary arts scene in the last 30 years. He’s part of our musical DNA, from Decidedly Jazz Danceworks, Dancers’ Studio West, the seminal 10 Foot Henry’s nightclub (from which today’s … Continue Reading >500 and Counting: The adventures of Damon and his ProArts Society